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The Rocket Academy Roundup
Experienced software engineers, instructors, alumni and Team Rocket share our insights, advice, and reflections on coding and the software engineering space.
Capstone Project: Tailwind Trading
Tailwind Trading is an eCommerce application with buyer and seller portals. The merchant portal allows merchants selling on Tailwind Trading to manage their orders and view business metrics while the buyer portal functions as an online store to allow customers to purchase items.
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Going Beyond the Fundamentals with Coding Fundamentals Graduates
At Rocket Academy, we are committed to launching you towards your goals, software engineering-related or not. This is why our basic coding course, Coding Fundamentals, is designed to be a software engineering taster for anyone, regardless of background or experience.
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Rocket Academy’s Intro to Software Engineering
You might have heard of the phrase "software engineering" thrown around at school or the workplace, but ever wondered what it really is about? And more importantly, how does one get into it?
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On Upgrading Your Skills with Veena Sivan
Beyond giving her the practical exposure she sought, tackling new concepts and receiving constant guidance from her Bootcamp instructors allowed Veena to boost both her existing skills, and confidence in programming. She tells us more about what she has learnt.
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From Chef to Programmer with Perry Lim
Perry is a Rocket Academy graduate who has launched his dream career in programming through our flagship Coding Bootcamp course. His journey also represents our belief that anyone can become a software engineer with enough motivation and diligence, no matter their background.
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My Rocket Academy Experience by Jerome Chua
How did I find out about Rocket Academy? Very interestingly it was through a sponsorship logo they had on Shopee Code League. Then, I remembered googling them up, and it resurfaced later down the road.
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Capstone Project: Tailwind Trading
Tailwind Trading is an eCommerce application with buyer and seller portals. The merchant portal allows merchants selling on Tailwind Trading to manage their orders and view business metrics while the buyer portal functions as an online store to allow customers to purchase items.
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Creating the Future You Want with Kenrick Tan
Kenrick Tan has his sights set on the world — his dream is to live and work in 20 cities. Unlike most applicants, Kenrick wasn’t sure if he would become a software engineer when he enrolled in Rocket Academy’s Coding Bootcamp. What drove him to take the next step was his unwavering belief in the power of technology.
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Chasing an IT Dream with Alvin Lim
Alvin Lim was always intrigued by the world of IT, but getting a start in the industry didn’t come easily. “Due to indecisiveness and deterrence from my family, I ended up studying mechanical engineering in university instead,” he tells us. Despite enrolling in a data analytics programme later on, Alvin soon realised he lacked the resources to launch a career in the field.
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Capstone Project: Task Hangin
Task Hangin is a task allocation and management application for anyone that wants to get tasks done for them. This is especially useful if the tasks on your to-do list have been there for a while and procrastination has gotten the better of you.
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Capstone Project: Keep
Keep is a mobile healthcare application that stores a patient's medical administrative details. Caregivers can easily stay in the loop on patients' medical appointments, hospitals, medications, and care plans in one place.
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Capstone Project: Babbo Motel
Babbo Motel is a spin on the popular virtual game Habbo Hotel. It is a simple 2D top-down game hosted on the browser. Players entering Babbo Motel can create their avatars and socialize with one another.
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Capstone Project: RockeTea
There are a total of 60+ brands of bubble tea in Singapore alone. Knowing that, making a choice sounds tedious, doesn't it?
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Capstone Project: PinYinTir
The Chinese language is not a phonetic language, unlike Latin languages like English or Spanish. Words are pronounced differently depending on their written characters.
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Capstone Project: Make Cents
We have all experienced that one rainy day when you comically open your purse, and look down at the bottom of it. All to contemplate the echoing question-'Where did I spend all my money?!
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A Step-by-Step Foray into Software Engineering with Jeremy Lim
Like many other aspiring career switchers, Jeremy Lim, a political science graduate, was hesitant about his chances of entering a new industry. As much as he enjoyed programming, he feared companies wouldn’t hire him since he lacked a degree in software engineering. Read on to find out what his journey was like!
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