Why ROCKET Tech Bootcamps

Our bootcamps are built to help you succeed and grow in your career

Gain the skills and knowledge you need to launch your career in programming, data science, digital marketing and more.

Learning and up-skilling is a lifelong journey. Browse our bootcamps and enroll today to take the first step towards transforming your career in the dynamic world of tech.

Rocket Academy Singapore Networking Events
We have just the Bootcamp for you

Our Featured Tech Bootcamps in Singapore

Tech bootcamps offer a learning experience that equips you with practical skills and real-world education at a fraction of the cost and time commitment of a traditional postgraduate program.

For Intermediates
Part Time & Full Time Options
Live Lessons
Subsidies Available

Coding Bootcamp

Become a Full-Stack Software Engineer with our career conversion Coding Bootcamp.

IMDA's TIPP Subsidies Available!

A career in the digital world awaits. You just need to take the first step.

Sign up for our programming courses and join fellow Singapore tech enthusiasts in companies like foodpanda, Circles.Life and Zendesk. 

Not sure where to start?

So, why Rocket Academy?

This may sound like a cliche, but we believe a learner’s positive outcome is largely dependent on the teaching.

We design, iterate and run our courses to prioritise maximum, long-term benefit to the learner.

You might not become the next Nobel Prize-winning data scientist after a 1-day introductory workshop, but we're confident in igniting a spark and excitement for data literacy that will bring about long-term interest and openness to pursuing the skillset.

For organisations looking to up-skill your employees.

Just as there are many course providers out there, no one is quite like us at Rocket Academy. We believe the same is true for your organisation.

Whether you have a small task force looking to embrace programmatic thinking to solve problems differently, or are executing a major reorganisation to boost everyone's adoption of AI tools across the board, we are here to help.

Whether on-site and in-person, or remote and online, we take a tailored and customised approach to building up your organisation's skill taxonomy.

We strive to provide the best possible learning experience and believe tech education to be life-changing. We take every learner seriously and are constantly working to exceed their expectations.

At Rocket Academy, we are committed to continuous improvement. From the selection, training, and support of our instructors to the experience of our students.

Be sure to check out testimonials from our Bootcamp alumni who are now working as software engineers at companies like Zendesk, Decathlon, UBS, DBS, and FoodPanda.

Students, employers & instructors love us

Transform your career, reshape your life. See how our students are elevating their careers by learning to code.

"Rocket's bootcamp was what I needed to kickstart my career as a software engineer. In addition to the technical training, what makes the course even more valuable is its focus on soft skills, such as working in teams, and presenting our work to people with varying technical backgrounds. A welcome surprise was the amount of guidance we received in our job hunts, even after graduation: weekly check-ins, feedback on resumes and portfolios, and preparing for interviews. I'm especially grateful for the mentorship and friendship of my instructors, peers and seniors, which made the journey all the more worth while. Thanks to Rocket, it was possible for me to pursue a different career, and I'm glad to have made it with the relevant skills and some new friends too."


Software Engineer

"I had always been envious of how engineers could morph an idea into a tangible product. After working through online courses independently, I quickly realized that having a structured support environment would be critical to building technical skills. Rocket was a great place to start out - providing mentorship and guidance not only throughout the bootcamp but also extending into support with the daunting job search process. Most importantly, working through a demanding learning process with peers and supportive mentors was extremely encouraging. This gave me the confidence to do a career switch into a full-fledged software engineer - a role which I've found to be challenging but massively rewarding. Thank you Rocket Academy for helping me to get here - excited to see what is to come!"


Software Engineer

"I was from Rocket's first batch of bootcampers. Having graduated from bootcamp and taking up a job as a software engineer (SWE), I have full confidence in Rocket's ability to help career switchers (like myself) make the transition. The syllabus is focused on helping bootcampers gain employment as SWEs. From the rigorous algorithms practice (a crucial part of the SWE interview process) to having a comprehensive set of portfolio projects to show employers by the time bootcamp ends. Am also super impressed by the increasing quality and complexity of the projects that bootcampers are producing, It's truly getting more impressive with each batch!"

Jeremy Lim

Software Engineer

"Like anyone else, I had initial doubts and worries about a ‘career-switch’, but I developed confidence through the bootcamp curriculum and advice from instructors with industry experience. I was able to build a strong foundation but also improve on learning new things fast - a skill that I greatly appreciate as a software engineer now. I have taken away much more than I expected from my journey with Rocket Academy - not only technical skills, but also career advice as well as meaningful connections - and will definitely recommend Rocket Academy’s bootcamp to anyone who is keen in becoming a software engineer."

Kimmi Lee

Software Engineer

"Rocket Academy gave me a supportive and vibrant community of peers, staff, alumni who are really passionate about coding and invested in our collective success. Rocket’s curriculum is not only comprehensive but taught me the important skill of how to unblock myself which is fundamental for every software engineer."

Hsiu Ping

Software Engineer

"I thoroughly enjoyed the curriculum. It was a great balance of challenge and fun, and my batch mates and I were always supported throughout the learning journey. Not only did I gain relevant technical knowledge and skills, the experience also taught me how to be independent and creative in learning and problem solving."

Ian Yip

Software Engineer

"Rocket Academy was a really challenging but extremely rewarding learning experience. We were immersed in the frontend, backend, and cloud technologies that gave us a solid foundation for dreaming and building a range of projects that I'm still proud of up till today. The student community is very diverse and hardworking. It's always interesting to see the projects they come up with. The Rocket staff are very committed to giving us good exposure to the industry through frequent talks and Q&A sessions. They are good teachers and gave much needed support in job preparation and job hunting."

Jia En

Product Engineer

"Rocket's community was one of the main reasons for me to take the leap of faith to make a career switch with them instead of other bootcamp providers. The camaraderie and energy levels of my course mates and students of the other batches really value-added to my learning and always gave me motivation to achieve more with each project, which ultimately helped me land my current job."

Dominique Yeo

Software Engineer

Ready to take the first step? 

Sign up now and take advantage of the financial support available. 


We’ve Got the A’s to your Q’s

Still got some questions? Understandably so. Here are our answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

I’m bad at math. Can I be a software engineer?

i. Math is not a pre-requisite for coding but logical thinking is.

‍ii. We believe anyone can coding given sufficient time and determination.

‍iii. If you’re unsure whether coding is for you, try Coding Fundamentals first!

I’ve tried coding but find it difficult. Can I still be a software engineer?

i. It is normal to find coding challenging - this is common among all software engineers. If you’re wondering whether you’re struggling more than normal, try Coding Fundamentals first.

ii. Rocket Academy fosters a tight-knit community of learners that help each other. You will always have peers working through the same material that you can work together with and get help from. With time, you will learn.

What languages will I learn in Coding Bootcamp?

i. Rocket’s bootcamp focus on teaching coding concepts, not languages. This is because coding concepts are applicable to all languages, but language syntax may only be relevant to that specific language.

ii. More important than languages, Bootcamp concepts will be applicable to almost all languages, frameworks, and apps.

Do I need a Computer Science degree or diploma to be a software engineer?

i. Over 95% of Rocket Academy’s graduates did not have CS degrees or diplomas prior to Rocket, and 100% of Bootcamp graduates actively applying for jobs have received software engineering offers within 6 months of graduation.

ii. Coding bootcamps exist because universities are unable to produce enough engineers. Companies will hire great engineers, regardless of professional qualifications.

Still feeling unsure?

Talk to us! We’re here to help.